Monday, March 19, 2012

Turn 4 Predictions

So its turn four of the campaign, and it looks like Daemons could take it out this turn as he is on eight empire points. I shall do my predictions.

Vampire Counts and Daemons of Chaos vs Wood Elves. Depending on how Trav wants to do this I am giving the game to the unholy alliance of doom, or I think he will beat Lee 1v1 as Lee is on a losing streak of terrible terrible power.

Orcs and Goblins vs High Elves. I think this will be a close one, but I think Tim has the full force of his WAAAGH! behind him and he will take a moderate victory.

Brettonnia vs Ogre Kingdoms. This game will be decided by charges I think and I'm going to back Justin this time as he clearly is the greatest ogre general of recent history even if he doesn't know about things like static combat res.

Dark Elves vs Skaven and Lizardmen I'm not sure about this match up, I'd like to 1v1 Jason as it's been awhile since I played Dark Elves and Skaven armies are always deemed sacrificial by your team mates. Also my Skaven always having a bad alliance isn't super helpful. I think it will be a close game till I do something amazing and it turns into a massacre.

Also I no longer have to paint any clan rats ever again unless I buy more. Here are the last twenty. On the weekend I am doing a full glamour photo shoot of my army, so expect a couple posts of everyone all nice and pretty as my army is done. Except for some special characters and the odd rat ogre that I never use.


  1. hey ill only treat the cheap units as slightly expendable :P

    nah in all seriousness we got this ;)

  2. He's taking us one at a time but we should do ok ourselves.
