Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Skaven Glamour Photography Part I

Last weekend my friend and I unpacked my Skaven and took a bunch of photos. Here is part one.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Turn 4 Predictions

So its turn four of the campaign, and it looks like Daemons could take it out this turn as he is on eight empire points. I shall do my predictions.

Vampire Counts and Daemons of Chaos vs Wood Elves. Depending on how Trav wants to do this I am giving the game to the unholy alliance of doom, or I think he will beat Lee 1v1 as Lee is on a losing streak of terrible terrible power.

Orcs and Goblins vs High Elves. I think this will be a close one, but I think Tim has the full force of his WAAAGH! behind him and he will take a moderate victory.

Brettonnia vs Ogre Kingdoms. This game will be decided by charges I think and I'm going to back Justin this time as he clearly is the greatest ogre general of recent history even if he doesn't know about things like static combat res.

Dark Elves vs Skaven and Lizardmen I'm not sure about this match up, I'd like to 1v1 Jason as it's been awhile since I played Dark Elves and Skaven armies are always deemed sacrificial by your team mates. Also my Skaven always having a bad alliance isn't super helpful. I think it will be a close game till I do something amazing and it turns into a massacre.

Also I no longer have to paint any clan rats ever again unless I buy more. Here are the last twenty. On the weekend I am doing a full glamour photo shoot of my army, so expect a couple posts of everyone all nice and pretty as my army is done. Except for some special characters and the odd rat ogre that I never use.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Turn 3 Campaign

Well I gave it a red hot go fighting the daemons. Ended up losing quite large as the eleven daemons still on the table were worth more than 1000 points to my tiny 240 of my cannon and doomwheel. Was a really good game and I enjoyed it as it was looking pretty good for team skitterpaw for awhile. I think once the bloodletters ran down my stormvermin off the table that was the end of it for me as I was set up to 13th them but the next turn they suddenly weren't on the table. It was an enjoyable game none the less.

There was a bit of an upset with Wood Elves taking out the Dark Elves for a massacre, Orcs stomped Brettonia for a massacre as well. High Elves prevailed over Lizardmen and Ogres massacred Vampire Counts. So I got all my predictions wrong except the one where I lost. Which was the only one I wanted to get wrong.

Turn four should be interesting as real estate to expand is running out for a few players so we should see some aggressive challenges in the hopes of claiming other players tiles. I shall do more predictions once the challenges have been made.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meanwhile at the Fortress of Solitary Painting

So I have been painting a warhammer fortress for my friend when I'm not doing other stuff. I've got most of it drybrushed now so I thought I would post a photo of it so he could see how it's coming along.

So I have to do two more sections, then do the details like the doors and things. I also want to do some moss effect type thing on it to give it a bit of colour and make it look older. My first attempt at it turned out to be not visible to the human eye so I will have to be a bit bolder on my next attempt, I need to put it all together first to put it places where moss would actually grow so that will have to wait.

In other news I forgot to make predictions for turn three of the campaign, there is three games left to be played, so I will have a stab at them.

Lizards vs High Elves. - I think I will give this to Lizards as I think they might shut down the Elves magic like they did against me in turn 1, but I think it will only be a marginal victory.

Vampire Counts vs Ogre Kingdoms. - I think Vampires will take this one out as it is about time Lee unleashed the full power of the new vampire book.

Daemons of Chaos vs Skaven. - Well I'd like to back myself in this obviously, but I have only played daemons once before at a much smaller size and I lost. I'd like to think the daemons will tire of killing skaven and fall into a peaceful slumber so whatever is left of my skaven can snatch victory. But Daemons will probably win.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Warriors, turns out they can kill stuff.

Realised I should probably say how my first outing with Warriors went. It went well. I played two games both of which I won pretty convincingly. Both games my marauder unit was decimated by ogre shooting so I didn't really get to test out anything but their ward saves with them. But my warriors and my knights both performed well. Halberds make them brutal, while the other unit with hand weapon and shield could take a lot of punishment with their 3+ save and 5+ parry with the mark of tzeentch. The warhounds were good getting in the way and even running off a scrap launcher. I am quite liking having a very different army to my Skaven. Once I get this castle commission out of the way I will begin painting them in earnest.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

First game with Warriors

Tomorrow is the day I take my warriors out for a test drive. Playing Justin's Ogres, so hopefully I will out number him. Looking forward to trying out the Tzeentch spells and the infernal puppet, if only to mitigate my own miscasts, and winning combat via wounds rather than static combat res.. Here is my list I will be taking. My Warhounds have arrived I just need to pick them up and assemble them.

1500 Pts - Warriors of Chaos Roster - WoC 1500 vs Ogres

Cisamaul the Deciever (1#, 370 pts)
   1 Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch, 370 pts (General; Mark of Tzeentch; Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor)
      1 Infernal Puppet
      1 Talisman of Preservation
      1 The Lore of Tzeentch

Arakhan (1#, 185 pts)
   1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch (Battle Standard Bearer), 185 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield; Battle Standard Bearer)
      1 Talisman of Endurance
      1 Favour of the Gods

Chaos Marauders (20#, 160 pts)
   19 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch, 160 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)
      1 Chieftan of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)

Chaos Hounds (5#, 30 pts)
   5 Chaos Warhounds, 30 pts

Chaos Hounds (5#, 30 pts)
   5 Chaos Warhounds, 30 pts

Chaos Warriors (12#, 242 pts)
   11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, 242 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Chaos Armor)
      1 Champion of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Chaos Armor)

Chaos Warriors (12#, 242 pts)
   11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, 242 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield)
      1 Champion of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield)

Chaos Knights (5#, 240 pts)
   5 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch, 240 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Standard Bearer Std; Barding; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield; Causes Fear)
      5 Chaos Steed

Validation Report:
Army Subtype: Chaos Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 370 (0 - 375)
Points of Heroes: 185 (0 - 375)
Points of Core: 644 (375 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 240 (0 - 750)
Points of Rare: 0 (0 - 375)

Total Roster Cost: 1499

Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at