Saturday, March 17, 2012

Turn 3 Campaign

Well I gave it a red hot go fighting the daemons. Ended up losing quite large as the eleven daemons still on the table were worth more than 1000 points to my tiny 240 of my cannon and doomwheel. Was a really good game and I enjoyed it as it was looking pretty good for team skitterpaw for awhile. I think once the bloodletters ran down my stormvermin off the table that was the end of it for me as I was set up to 13th them but the next turn they suddenly weren't on the table. It was an enjoyable game none the less.

There was a bit of an upset with Wood Elves taking out the Dark Elves for a massacre, Orcs stomped Brettonia for a massacre as well. High Elves prevailed over Lizardmen and Ogres massacred Vampire Counts. So I got all my predictions wrong except the one where I lost. Which was the only one I wanted to get wrong.

Turn four should be interesting as real estate to expand is running out for a few players so we should see some aggressive challenges in the hopes of claiming other players tiles. I shall do more predictions once the challenges have been made.

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