Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meanwhile at the Fortress of Solitary Painting

So I have been painting a warhammer fortress for my friend when I'm not doing other stuff. I've got most of it drybrushed now so I thought I would post a photo of it so he could see how it's coming along.

So I have to do two more sections, then do the details like the doors and things. I also want to do some moss effect type thing on it to give it a bit of colour and make it look older. My first attempt at it turned out to be not visible to the human eye so I will have to be a bit bolder on my next attempt, I need to put it all together first to put it places where moss would actually grow so that will have to wait.

In other news I forgot to make predictions for turn three of the campaign, there is three games left to be played, so I will have a stab at them.

Lizards vs High Elves. - I think I will give this to Lizards as I think they might shut down the Elves magic like they did against me in turn 1, but I think it will only be a marginal victory.

Vampire Counts vs Ogre Kingdoms. - I think Vampires will take this one out as it is about time Lee unleashed the full power of the new vampire book.

Daemons of Chaos vs Skaven. - Well I'd like to back myself in this obviously, but I have only played daemons once before at a much smaller size and I lost. I'd like to think the daemons will tire of killing skaven and fall into a peaceful slumber so whatever is left of my skaven can snatch victory. But Daemons will probably win.

1 comment:

  1. can i cast the old ruination of cities on that castle??? please :) the new one just isnt the same :P

    thats the plan yes shut down magic by being more awesome at magic and then eating elf face with lizards i also took a silly really really expensive unit that may die horrendously :)
