Saturday, February 18, 2012

Winning Streak Over

So yesterday I battled Lizardmen for the first time. It was also my first game in the campaign we are doing down here. I don't think I have ever seen so many misfires on artillery dice in a game before, I got 4 or 5 and my opponent got 3. Gareth the Lizard player had a big block of Temple Guard with a Slaan with all kinds of abilities it was a 900 point deathstar taht I spent the whole game trying to kill. He also had 2 blocks of 20 or so Saurus and a Stegadon with a Skink Priest and  2 Salamanders. I had 90 Clanrats, 40 Slaves, 30 Monks and 30 Stormvermin, a couple Warpfire throwers, a Doomwheel and a Warplightning Cannon, BSB a fighty Cheiftan a Warlock Engineer and Skeetz Skitterpaw Grey Seer to the stars.

First off I had the scouts event so Gareth had to deploy everything first. I got the first turn and started whitling away at the Templeguard Bunker with my shooting Doomrocket took out 11 TG. Cannon misfired. I had to discard Sixes so my magic phases were non existent which is why you wont hear me talking about it much. I don't think I got a single spell off the whole game. Basically what happened after that was a lot of comets falling from the sky, my Monks broke 20 Saurus and ran them down Doomwheel took out a Stegadon then a skink priest which was good, My Grey Seer ran away after being Repeatedly Cometed on. I got the Templeguard down to about 6 guys on the last turn but lost combat by 1 or 2 after being debuffed twiced so the game ended in a Draw I was ahead by about 20 points so my winning streak is over. I made an Error with my Doomwheel thinking my clanrats needed help with the Saurus rather than sending it into the temple guard but I wanted another turn of shooting with my cannon and remaining warpfire thrower on the Temple Guard as they are pretty tough customers. Then a comet fell from the sky that I had forgotten about in my eagerness to kill cold things and I lost my Doomwheel AND my Seer ran away for the second time this time off the board and my warpfire thrower was killed as well.

It was a fun close game, Gareth played well and I think we were both deserving of our 2 empire points.


  1. you know im fairly sure you can still call it a win as you did beat me just not by alot ...

  2. That's ok my plan was to get to double figures and become super obnoxious but I think I can do that anyway.
