So I watched some friends play Warhammer today, Bretts vs Woodies. It was an interesting game between to two oldest army books, eventually the Wood Elves came away with quite a large victory. The game was part of a campaign we are running down here at the moment so the Wood Elves will have quite a few empire points to play with next round. In other news I got 20 marauders off ebay to swell the ranks of my fledgling Warriors of Chaos Army. So now the army stands comprises 1 chaos sorcerer, 12 warriors with halberds, 12 warriors with hand weapons, 5 knights, 36 marauders, and 2 spawns. Here is a photo of everyone I have at the moment, the others being in various places on their way to me.
The guys pictured above were stripped of their terrible old paint with some Dettol, that stuff is amazing for stripping mini's. For the army I'm going to go a Tzeentch theme, as I like Magic, Ward Saves and blue paint.
I probably won't start painting them for awhile as I have 15 clanrats I want to paint before I start painting my warriors, also I cut myself quite badly assembling Ogres for a friend and have 10 stitches so I can't hold things for very long. Always cut away from yourself and pay attention.
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