Monday, February 27, 2012
Motivation to keep painting.
If I learnt anything painting 200 odd Skaven is that it is important to do a few things to keep your motivation up. There are a few things I have found that work really well to get you finishing painting those boring core units you have to have so many of. One thing is to take photos and show your work on forums and blogs. Getting feedback and watching view counts and page stats grow makes all that time hunched over by yourself seem a bit more worthwhile. Another thing that really helped me was having a tournament, that really got me to paint up the majority of my core troops in a fairly short period of time, it also paid off tournament wise as it got me to fourth. The easiest thing to do is keep a diary about your hobby. I just have a document on my computer where I type in the things I want to do for the month, I don't think I have ever completed all my desired goals for the month, but marking off things that have been completed as seeing them add up over time spurs me on. Doing all these things has gotten me to the stage where I have about 3K of Skaven painted up with a few clanrats and special characters and heroes left to go.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Turn 2 Campaign Predictions
So turn 2 of the campaign is under way so I have decided to post some predictions of the various match ups, see if I can get some smack talk going.
Vampire Counts vs Orcs & Goblins - I've seen Lee's VC list and I think it will cause Tim some problems. But I think Tim is due for a big win. I think his Orcs are going to chop Lee's zombies and skellies into little bits and Lee won't be able to bring them back quick enough.
Ogre Kingdoms vs High Elves - I'm giving this one to Sam by quite a high margin. Justin doesn't have the experience to take out Sam's Elves, I fear for his bunker unit as I am sure Sam will pit of shades it at the first opportunity.
Lizardmen vs Brettonia - I like Gareth's Lizards chances in this match up. I think with cold blooded and magic buffs, (I think Gareth will take lore of light) Danny is going to have a very hard time breaking any of the lizards with his lances.
Daemons vs Dark Elves - This is a tricky one. Maybe their hax cheaty rules will cancel each other out? I don't know but I think I will give this to Matt's Daemons just because I don't think Jason has had much experience against them.
Skaven vs Wood Elves - Probably the most anticipated grudge match of February, I am totally backing myself in this game. Skaven is a bad match up for Wood Elves and I have zero desire to let Trav beat me. I am not looking forward to having to fight his forest spirits, losing however is not an option.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Warriors of Chaos 2250 List
So I was playing around with Warrior lists in Army Builder and came up with this list. I need a get a few models for it still, Like some more heroes and marauders. I want the army to be fairly themed rather than the most effective list I can compile from the internet. Let me know what you guys think of it.
2250 Pts - Warriors of Chaos Roster - WoC 2250 List
Sorcerer Lord (1#, 370 pts)
1 Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch, 370 pts (General; Mark of Tzeentch; Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor)
1 Gold Sigil Sword
1 Infernal Puppet
1 Talisman of Endurance
Exalted Hero (2#, 265 pts)
1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch (Battle Standard Bearer), 265 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield; Battle Standard Bearer)
1 Daemonic Mount (Causes Fear; Stomp)
1 Sword of Anti Heroes
1 Talisman of Protection
1 Bloodcurdling Roar
Sorcerer (1#, 190 pts)
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch, 190 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor)
1 Power Familiar
1 Third Eye of Tzeentch
Chaos Marauders (30#, 212 pts)
29 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch, 212 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)
1 Chieftan of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)
Chaos Hounds (5#, 30 pts)
5 Chaos Warhounds, 30 pts
Chaos Hounds (5#, 30 pts)
5 Chaos Warhounds, 30 pts
Chaos Warriors (12#, 282 pts)
11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, 282 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield)
1 Champion of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield)
1 Blasted Standard
Chaos Warriors (12#, 252 pts)
11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, 252 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Chaos Armor)
1 Champion of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Chaos Armor)
1 Banner of Eternal Flame
Chaos Knights (5#, 315 pts)
4 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch, 315 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Barding; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield; Causes Fear)
1 Champion of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armor; Shield)
5 Chaos Steed
1 Banner of Wrath
Chaos Spawn (1#, 65 pts)
1 Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch, 65 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Causes Fear; Unbreakable)
Chaos Spawn (1#, 65 pts)
1 Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch, 65 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Causes Fear; Unbreakable)
Chaos Marauders (22#, 172 pts)
21 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch, 172 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)
1 Chieftan of Tzeentch (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Flail; Light Armour)
Validation Report:
Army Subtype: Chaos Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 370 (0 - 562.5)
Points of Heroes: 455 (0 - 562.5)
Points of Core: 918 (562.5 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 315 (0 - 1125)
Points of Rare: 130 (0 - 562.5)
Total Roster Cost: 2248
Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Lady Justice Crew
So Decided to post my Lady Justice crew for Malifaux. Comes up to 55 soulstones using some Raptors with my Austringers. I think at some stage I will get an Exorcist to Replace the Raptors as I think he would be more useful versus spirits etc than a couple puny birds. I did like painting them though.
The Whole Gang
She's a Lady, Woah, Woah, Woah...
The Judge who always dies, Mostly coz Justin is a homo.
Scaley, the Scales of Justice
Death Marshals - People went nuts for these on the Wyrd Forum.
Austringers - These guys are great in the game.
Executioner - Trying to do the body hair was tricky not sure I pulled it off.
So that's my Lady Justice crew they were good to paint. If anyone wants to know colours or whatever just write something in the comments.
Spare Change for the Change God!!!
So now I have filled my need to start painting my warriors, I can get back to finishing my clanrats,got 8 on the go with a bit of paint on em as we speak.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Winning Streak Over
So yesterday I battled Lizardmen for the first time. It was also my first game in the campaign we are doing down here. I don't think I have ever seen so many misfires on artillery dice in a game before, I got 4 or 5 and my opponent got 3. Gareth the Lizard player had a big block of Temple Guard with a Slaan with all kinds of abilities it was a 900 point deathstar taht I spent the whole game trying to kill. He also had 2 blocks of 20 or so Saurus and a Stegadon with a Skink Priest and 2 Salamanders. I had 90 Clanrats, 40 Slaves, 30 Monks and 30 Stormvermin, a couple Warpfire throwers, a Doomwheel and a Warplightning Cannon, BSB a fighty Cheiftan a Warlock Engineer and Skeetz Skitterpaw Grey Seer to the stars.
First off I had the scouts event so Gareth had to deploy everything first. I got the first turn and started whitling away at the Templeguard Bunker with my shooting Doomrocket took out 11 TG. Cannon misfired. I had to discard Sixes so my magic phases were non existent which is why you wont hear me talking about it much. I don't think I got a single spell off the whole game. Basically what happened after that was a lot of comets falling from the sky, my Monks broke 20 Saurus and ran them down Doomwheel took out a Stegadon then a skink priest which was good, My Grey Seer ran away after being Repeatedly Cometed on. I got the Templeguard down to about 6 guys on the last turn but lost combat by 1 or 2 after being debuffed twiced so the game ended in a Draw I was ahead by about 20 points so my winning streak is over. I made an Error with my Doomwheel thinking my clanrats needed help with the Saurus rather than sending it into the temple guard but I wanted another turn of shooting with my cannon and remaining warpfire thrower on the Temple Guard as they are pretty tough customers. Then a comet fell from the sky that I had forgotten about in my eagerness to kill cold things and I lost my Doomwheel AND my Seer ran away for the second time this time off the board and my warpfire thrower was killed as well.
It was a fun close game, Gareth played well and I think we were both deserving of our 2 empire points.
First off I had the scouts event so Gareth had to deploy everything first. I got the first turn and started whitling away at the Templeguard Bunker with my shooting Doomrocket took out 11 TG. Cannon misfired. I had to discard Sixes so my magic phases were non existent which is why you wont hear me talking about it much. I don't think I got a single spell off the whole game. Basically what happened after that was a lot of comets falling from the sky, my Monks broke 20 Saurus and ran them down Doomwheel took out a Stegadon then a skink priest which was good, My Grey Seer ran away after being Repeatedly Cometed on. I got the Templeguard down to about 6 guys on the last turn but lost combat by 1 or 2 after being debuffed twiced so the game ended in a Draw I was ahead by about 20 points so my winning streak is over. I made an Error with my Doomwheel thinking my clanrats needed help with the Saurus rather than sending it into the temple guard but I wanted another turn of shooting with my cannon and remaining warpfire thrower on the Temple Guard as they are pretty tough customers. Then a comet fell from the sky that I had forgotten about in my eagerness to kill cold things and I lost my Doomwheel AND my Seer ran away for the second time this time off the board and my warpfire thrower was killed as well.
It was a fun close game, Gareth played well and I think we were both deserving of our 2 empire points.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Nearly assembled all my friends Ogres. Just got 4 Mournfang to go but as you can see I had to stop as I ran out of space on my table. Thundertusk was quite easy to assemble, the Iron Blaster took longer as there are more sub assemblies in that. The Thundertusk you basically make the big hairy part and then the riders.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
First Game of the Campaign
So this weekend I will be fighting my first game in our local campaign. I will be taking my Skaven and I will be facing Cold Things for the first time. As I am too lazy to do any research about lizards I am taking an all comers style list, fairly confident that I will outnumber the cold things and have plenty of Skaven tricks to use on them. I'd post my list here but my opponent might read it. After the game I will write up about the battle, hopefully I will continue my win streak as I am up to 7 games now. There are 10 players in the campaign, with no doubles of races which is great. Every race is represented except for Empire, Dwarves, Beastmen, Warriors of Chaos, and Tomb Kings. A while back my friend got a wicked cool new camera and he took some interesting shots of my Skaven in the game we played. I'm a big fan of this one.
Hellpit bears down on some Big Un's
Some Stormvermin fighting Green Things
Plague Monks
Beginnings of an Army
So I watched some friends play Warhammer today, Bretts vs Woodies. It was an interesting game between to two oldest army books, eventually the Wood Elves came away with quite a large victory. The game was part of a campaign we are running down here at the moment so the Wood Elves will have quite a few empire points to play with next round. In other news I got 20 marauders off ebay to swell the ranks of my fledgling Warriors of Chaos Army. So now the army stands comprises 1 chaos sorcerer, 12 warriors with halberds, 12 warriors with hand weapons, 5 knights, 36 marauders, and 2 spawns. Here is a photo of everyone I have at the moment, the others being in various places on their way to me.
The guys pictured above were stripped of their terrible old paint with some Dettol, that stuff is amazing for stripping mini's. For the army I'm going to go a Tzeentch theme, as I like Magic, Ward Saves and blue paint.
I probably won't start painting them for awhile as I have 15 clanrats I want to paint before I start painting my warriors, also I cut myself quite badly assembling Ogres for a friend and have 10 stitches so I can't hold things for very long. Always cut away from yourself and pay attention.
The guys pictured above were stripped of their terrible old paint with some Dettol, that stuff is amazing for stripping mini's. For the army I'm going to go a Tzeentch theme, as I like Magic, Ward Saves and blue paint.
I probably won't start painting them for awhile as I have 15 clanrats I want to paint before I start painting my warriors, also I cut myself quite badly assembling Ogres for a friend and have 10 stitches so I can't hold things for very long. Always cut away from yourself and pay attention.
Friday, February 10, 2012
First Post
So I decided to start a blog for my wargaming. I play Warhammer Fantasy and Malifaux mostly. I play Skaven in fantasy and I have just begun creating a Warriors of Chaos army. In Malifaux I have 2 crews, a Lady Justice crew and Lilith. I also have a few Eldar chilling in a box waiting for me to get motivated to play 40K.
To get things rolling here are some photos of my Lilith crew.
To get things rolling here are some photos of my Lilith crew.
35 Soulstones of Nephilim
Lilith and her Tots.
The Back of Lilith - How I get to see her.
Malifaux Cherub
Young Nephilim
Mature Nephilim
To finish off the crew I have the twins, Lilitu and Lelu, as well as some Waldgeists to paint up.
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