Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One year of hobby to do list

So around this time last year I started keeping a list of the things I wanted to do hobby wise each month. As I was updating it yesterday I saw that I had been keeping it for a year now. I decided to share it here on the blog. The red parts are things I actually finished doing. As you can see there are a quite a few things that got little to no love over the year. Mostly wood elves and a few malifaux guys that I am doing for a friend. I found it to be a pretty good motivational tool over the year. Except for the end on winter when I took a bit of a break from painting etc. Mostly due to Guild Wars 2 and 6th Ed 40K releasing dampening my enthusiasm, as there are only so many times you can see new space marines on the internet and not die of boredom. They have to be the least interesting models around.

October 2011

Spray hpa
Assemble marcus and co (6)
Paint movement trays
Paint slave bases
Paint executioner
Paint austringer
Doomwheel banner
Matt spray metal skaven

November 2011

Paint hpa
Paint warlitter
Paint warpfire thrower
Paint rat swarms x3
Paint woodies (at least 5)
Base spear gobbos
Repair doomwheel
Assemble cannon
Assemble clannies
Assemble ikit
Assemble warlock
Spray cannon
Spray clanrats
Magnet stuff?
Assemble guardian and raptors
Assemble ramos crew

December 2011

Paint Warp-Lightning Cannon
Paint Warpfire Throwers
Paint Austringerz
Paint Executioner
Paint Guardian
Paint Raptors
Paint Wood Elves
Assemble Hoffman etc
Assemble Guardian
Assemble Raptors
Base and Spray Malifaux guys

Jan 2012
Paint Clanrats
Paint Lilith
Paint Babies
Paint Young
Paint Mature
Paint Cherub
Paint Warp-Lightning Cannon
Paint Warfire Throwers
Paint Warlock Engineer
Paint Wood Elves
Assemble Grems and Zoridia
Assemble More Grems and other things
Make a Boneripper

Feb 2012
Cut finger 10 stitches Probably wont get anything done this month

Assemble Ogre battalion
Assemble Ogre battalion
Assemble Ironblaster
Assemble Ironblaster
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Mournfang
Assemble Thundertusk
Paint Clanrats
Paint Warlock Engineer
Paith Lelu
Paint Lilitu

March 2012

Paint Castle
Paint Clanrats

April 2012
Paint Castle
Assemble Furnace
Assemble Malifaux ~10 2 down
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Paint Sorcerer
Assemble Warriors
Assemble Marauders
Assemble BSB
Assemble Sorc Lord

May 2012
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Furnace
Paint Skweel
Assemble Thrott
Paint Thrott
Assemble Malifaux
Paint Sorcerer Lord

June 2012
Paint Queek Head-Taker
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Tomb Guard
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Assemble Skellington Warriors
Paint Skweel
Assemble Thrott
Paint Thrott
Assemble Malifaux

July 2012
Paint Thrott
Assemble Malifaux
Paint Spellweaver
Paint Warhounds

August 2012
Assemble Bell
Assemble Chaos Dwarves

September 2012
Nothing was done at all.

October 2012
Paint Thrott
Paint Bell
Paint Poison Wind Mortar
Assemble Chaos Dwarf war machines
Base and undercoat Warriors and Spawn
Assemble Malifaux

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