Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wrath of Heroes

 So I have been playing Wrath of Heroes since the closed beta. Basically it's all the good stuff from Warhammer online Age of Reckoning without all the tedious MMO stuff. Here are a few screenshots of me with my ridiculous kill streaks. As you can see I mostly play the sorceress Ilyana. The Liche Priest and the Vampire are also quite a bit of fun.

The game is free to play which is good, and you can spend real cash if you don't have the patience to grind gold for new heroes. I haven't spend anything as I was rich from the closed beta. you can download the game from here -

So if you see a Highcarb running around being your nemesis say hi. I play it quite a bit when I should be painting things or updating my blog.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Productive Afternoon

Assembled a whole bunch of Tomb Kings this afternoon to take my mind of having a cold. Nothing to do now, but hold them hostage till I get my bell. I did about 100 or so and a plague furnace. I feel I should write about the awesome production line I got going towards the end. I'd like people to keep reading my blog so I won't.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fury of the deeply conceited

So I finished painting Queek Headtaker. He took quite a long time due to the cold weather making my acrylic medium take even longer than usual. I used 26 different paints and washes while painting him which is pretty amazing as he is just black with some bone when you look at him. I'm looking forward to trying him out against other special characters, he made short work of Konrad and he wasn't even painted then. 

I also uploaded him to the Games Workshop Flicker pool as I would like to get on the little selection from there on their blog page. I put my Sorcerer Lord on there also but they decided only to show boring 40K miniatures for the next few days after I did that. Hopefully I will get something there one day. Then I will be printing some business cards that make reference to that achievement. 

Next I will probably try and finish Skweel Gnawtooth as he is about half finished. I dont really like the model though as his whip looks stupid and if I try and fix it I'm sure it will snap. So I will probably paint some Chaos Warhounds, Thrott or Ikit. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Turns out it's June

Seeing as I only did one post last month which suddenly ended without letting me know, I decided I should post something. I don't have much to post due to playing too much Star Trek Online. I've totally got a handle on that now and have been painting Queek Headtaker who has been sitting around patiently waiting for me to paint him for over 2 years. Here is a WIP shot of him. He has been troublesome as I went through about 3 variations of what colour his weapons would be. I tried doing them warpstone but it ended up distractingly neon and I didn't want people to think he had ethereal weapons. So now I'm back to metal which I am much happier with. He is a bit glossy in the photo as the paint is still wet and everyone knows there isn't time to wait for paint to dry when you want to take a photo.